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Chamada Gratuita - 116 006


Terms and Conditions

All material on this web site is property of Victim Support Scotland. It may be used, or copied, in whole or part, for any therapeutic purpose, and with the prior agreement of the copyright owners, but is not intended for commercial reproduction.

Privacy Statement

Victim Support Scotland does not capture and store any personal information about people who access this web site except where you voluntarily elect to give us your personal details via email. In such circumstances the personal information you give us is used exclusively to provide you with current and future information about our service.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file which is downloaded onto your computer when you’re browsing the Internet. Cookies can have different purposes, for example some are essential for enabling a website to function, some are designed to provide you with a better experience when browsing a website, some gather information about your activities for marketing purposes and so on.

How do we use cookies?

Our website uses only cookies that are essential - without which the website simply would not work. These cookies help with site navigation (allowing you to move around from one page to another) and to help the website and the server that it sits on communicate with each other.

We do not use cookies to store any information that would identify you personally. We do not use cookies for marketing purposes. We do not use tracking cookies.

For more information about cookies click here.

If you need any information or support, feel free to call us:

Victim Support Scotland National Helpline:0845 603 9213 (Monday-Friday 8am – 8pm)

You can also send us an email: info@victimsupportsco.org.uk

For more information search our website.