Sexual violence (or sexual abuse) is any unwanted sexual act, sexual advance or comment, as well as other interactions of a sexual nature committed by one person against another, and in opposition to the other person’s will.
Sexual violence may be committed by different people:
Sexual violence may take place in different contexts:
May also take place in different relationships:
The offender may use different strategies to commit sexual violence:
There are several acts of a sexual nature that may be seen as violence:
In Scotland the age of consent is 16 – so any sexual activity between an adult and someone under 16 is a criminal offence.
Sexual intercourse and oral sex between young people aged 13-15 are also offences, even if both partners consented.
A range of specific offences are in place to protect children under 13, who cannot legally give their consent to any form of sexual activity.
If you are a victim of sexual assault, remember that none of what happened is your fault. Nothing that you may have said or done justifies the fact that you were forced or tricked to get involved sexually with another person. Nobody has the right to force you to a sexual interaction against your will (not even the people you are close to have that right).
The responsibility for what happened is not yours. The only person responsible for what happened to you is the person who assaulted you.
Being a victim of sexual violence is a difficult life experience, which may bring negative consequences: e.g. harming the victim’s physical and emotional well-being and even the way the victim relates to other
Sexual violence can cause negative consequences to the victim’s health:
Remember that sexual violence is not always physically observed. There are cases in which sexual violence is very subtle (e.g., fondling of genitals) ... leaving no damage or traces.
The consequences of sexual violence are particularly felt on an emotional level, leading to various negative emotions:
shock (especially when violence is committed by someone you know and trusted);
self blame for what happened;
feeling worthless;
fear of it happening again;
afraid of being alone;
fear of the offender or that something bad will happen to him/her (especially when the victim and aggressor know one another);
afraid of telling someone and not being believed;
afraid of being “damaged “or “dirty” forever.
Changes may also occur in the victim's behaviour:
The consequences of these experiences may be different from person to person. There are victims who have no symptoms; others have symptoms that differ from the ones mentioned. These emotional reactions are natural; they are your body’s way of trying to deal with what happened.
However, there are some behavioral reactions which are especially serious as they may put yourself or others at risk of being
harmed (such as aggressiveness). If you realize that you are behaving in a way that might damage yourself or others, it is important to get some help.
The consequences depend on:
If you are a victim of sexual violence:
Some strategies to keep yourself safe:
Victim Support Scotland
Victims of Crime in Scotland
Rape Crisis Scotland
Rape and Abuse Line
Sexual Assault Referral Centre (Archway)
Genito Urinary Medicine ( GUM) Clinics
If you have been a victim of crime, it is strongly recommended that you report it to the police. Once reported, the likelihood of catching the person who committed the crime against you and stopping him/her from doing the same to others is much higher.
If you want to report a crime in confidence, without identifying yourself, it is possible to report crime anonymously. See WHERE CAN I REPORT? (below) for more information on
how you can report crime.,You can also get support and advice on reporting crime from organisations such as Victim Support Scotland.
After the crime is reported an INVESTIGATION stage starts, during which the police will seek to gather all available evidence. This might require gathering more information from any victims and witnesses.
After a victim or witness has been interviewed (that is, the police have taken the statement) they may not to hear from the police again for some time. If the victim or witness wants to know how their case is progressing, they can do so by contacting the police, quoting the crime reference number the police gave, which helps the police find the information more easily.
If the police identify a person or people they think are responsible for the crime there are several things they can do. For example, they might decide to take no further action, give the offender a warning, order the offender to pay a fine, etc.
In Scotland there are different ways of dealing with an accused person, depending on their age:
If the accused person is a young person (under 16), and if there is enough evidence, they will usually be referred to the CHILDREN’S REPORTER who considers what action to take.
The Children’s Hearings System deals with children and young people in Scotland under the age of eighteen who are in need of help. There are two main reasons why the Children’s Hearings System will help a child or young person:
You can learn more about this here.
For more information you can also search on: Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration
If the accused person is an adult (over 16) and there is enough evidence, the police will report the crime to the Procurator Fiscal, who is responsible for the prosecution of crime in Scotland.
The Criminal Justice System takes legal action on matters involving crimes committed by someone over 16. However if a person under 16 is suspected of committing a very serious crime (such as murder or serious assault) they may be dealt with by the criminal justice system. The age of criminal responsibility in Scotland is eight years old. Children under eight cannot be referred to the Reporter or the Procurator Fiscal for offending. You can read more about here.
There are SPECIAL MEASURES available for young people who have to give evidence in Court. Special measures are different ways to help you give your evidence. These can include: giving evidence from another room through a television link; giving evidence from behind a screen in the Courtroom; having a support person with you when you; etc. Take a look here What support can I get? for more details.
After the trial the Judge or the Jury (depending on the case), takes a decision: either the person is convicted (found guilty) or acquitted (found not guilty, or not proven) of the crimes.
If the accused person is found guilty, the Judge will then decide on a suitable punishment for the offender. This might be a prison sentence (the Judge will decide on the length the offender must serve in prison). In other cases the offender may be given a community sentence (made to do unpaid work in the community) or they may be made to pay a fine or pay compensation (money) to the victim.
Regardless of what you decided to do, you always have the right to be supported. Even if you decide to not report the crime, it is very important to talk to someone about what happened, how you are feeling and the help and support available. If you want to talk to someone before you make a decision to report, there are professionals and organisations who can inform, advise and support you. Search on How and where can I get support? for more information.
Both are forms of sexual violence, but they represent different crimes. Childhood sexual abuse is the involvement of a child under 16 in unwanted sexual activity that he/she does not fully understand or consent to, and is not legally old enough to consent to (e.g. explicit/sexual talk, touching/groping; showing pornography; rape). The Law in Scotland says that anyone under the age of 16 is not old enough to consent to sex. Rape is defined by the law in Scotland as penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth by the penis without consent.
Date rape happens when someone is forced to have sexual intercourse (e.g., using threats, physical violence, alcohol or drugs) by a person they have been going out with or seeing, or that they have just met. Remember that no one has the right to force you to have sex. You have the right to say no and that should be respected.
Sexual abuse does not always occur by using physical violence or strength. The offender can use subtle or non physical strategies to achieve the same goals: threats, blackmail, put the victim in a state of unconsciousness, take advantage of the victim’s trust in him/her or confusing the victim (especially when the victims are children, making them believe that what happened is normal).
No. This is an excuse that offenders often use to undermine their actions. Whatever the victim's behaviour, it can never be used to justify sexual abuse. The person responsible for sexual abuse is the offender and never the victim of such violence.
No. Sexual abuse covers a range of sexual acts. Penetration/sexual intercourse is just one example. There are other examples: forcing of oral sex or masturbation; unwanted fondling of the private parts; being forced to watch, or participate in, material of erotic or pornographic nature; being involved in prostitution.
No! Regardless of any circumstances and the victim’s behavior, the only person responsible for sexual violence is the offender (never the victim). If the victim is under the influence of drugs and alcohol then they are not able to make informed decisions about their behavior. The offender is wrongly taking the victim’s condition as a sign that the act will be easier to accomplish (the offender is well aware that the victim is not fine and that sexual intercourse will not be consensual or decided together). Whether the victim never said “yes” or whether he/she said “yes” initially but then
changed his/her mind (to “no”), the other person must respect that and not instigate any sexual involvement.
Yes. It is possible that you felt pleasure during a forced sexual interaction for a very simple reason: our bodies are designed to react to sexual touching. The reproductive system, the hormonal system and the nervous system are the main mechanisms responsible for this internal body process. It is important to remember that, even if you felt some pleasure, that doesn’t mean that you enjoyed it, nor does it mean that you are guilty in any way for the sexual violence.