Dating Violence

What is it?

In some relationships, the urge to control and dominate the other leads to dating violence, which triggers fear, insecurity and suffering.
Dating violence is a violent or abusive act - it can be a single act or an on-going behaviour - committed by one of the partners (or even by both) in a dating relationship.
Violência no Namoro  
Some forms of dating violence are:


  • Pushing.
  • Grabbing or restraining.
  • Throwing objects.
  • Slapping, kicking, punching.
  • Threatening with the use of force or aggression. 



  • Forcing the boyfriend/girlfriend to have sexual intercourse even when he/she does not want to.
  • Fondling or touching or forcing sexual acts when the boyfriend/girlfriend does not want to.
  • Forcing or pressurise  the boyfriend/girlfriend to kiss when he/she does not want to or forcing him/her to kiss.



  • Name calling and screaming / shouting.
  • Intimidating and threatening.



  • Breaking or damaging objects or clothes belonging to the other.
  • Controlling the way the other one dresses.
  • Controlling what the other one does in his/her spare time or during the day.
  • Calling or sending messages constantly to control and frighten the other.
  • Manipulating and causing fear by threatening to break up.



  • Humiliating and shaming the other in public, in front of friends and relatives.
  • Checking the other's mobile phone, email accounts or social networks without his/her consent.
  • Forbidding the other to be with his/her friends or family.


  • Dating violence may include more than one of the forms of violence just mentioned. For example, psychological abuse may occur along with verbal and physical abuse.
  • Both boys and girls can be victims or abusers. The aim of any form of violence used either by a boy or a girl is the same: to hold more power than the other person in the relationship, to hurt and to control him/her.